Equality diversity and inclusion focus for Competency and Conduct event
The fourth session of our Competency and Conduct programme focused on equality and diversity in the workplace.
Housing Specialist Debbie Larner, chair of the six-month programme for AMIP members, set the scene at the event held at the Building Centre in London.
Hony Premlal, Chair of Eldon Housing Association Ltd and Women in Social Housing (WISH) London, Vice Chair of Somerset Co-operative Community Land Trust and a Regional Group Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing was the first to take to the stage.
She talked about changing the dial on diversity in leadership, covering why 2025 needs EDI, the reality of the current situation and resistance and barriers to EDI.
Attendees were divided into groups to discuss obstacles to creating an inclusive workforce, with many noting difficulty in attracting applicants.
Hony outlined tools for building strategic impact and explored actional strategies for improvement.
She ended with a call to action asking people to set goals, action steps of and a timeline.
Why equality diversion and inclusion matters
Mushtaq Khan, Chief Executive of the Housing Diversity Network covered why diversity and inclusion matter, mistakes that organisations make, such as treating EDI as a problem to solve, and the key benefits of diversity and inclusion.
He outlined what organisations should consider, such as the makeup of boards and Exec teams, and reviewing their procurement policies for inclusion, and what to include in an EDI strategy, such as training and awareness, and supplier development and support.
The interactive presentation also touched upon the potential impact for the UK of large USA companies dropping their EDI programmes, and revealed startling stats such as the fact that there are more chief executives named Simon or Andrew than there are women in the FTSE 100.
EDI in recruitment
Finally, Jessica Fawke, Apprenticeship Coordinator, and Olivia Withers, Recruitment Manager, at Ian Williams Ltd discussed its apprenticeship ethos and approach to EDI in recruitment.
They covered how it uses inclusive practices when recruiting, ensuring that recruitment adverts use language that appeals to everyone, taking steps to tackle unconscious bias, making reasonable adjustments during the application process and providing support for neuro diverse candidates.
It continuously reviews and improves its processes, including revisiting entry requirements, enhancing mentoring, and ensuring consistent interview quality and feedback.
The organisation aims to create a supportive and inclusive culture and has implemented initiatives like flexible working, enhanced maternity/paternity pay, mental health support, and regional allowances.
The session finished with a Q&A panel, where the speakers were joined by Claire Elston, People Manager at Ian Williams Ltd.
They answered questions on topics including:
- Support for employees with disabilities
- Strategic planning for diversity
- Board involvement in diversity
- Allyship in organisations